don t be afraid of the dark remake

It was understandable, in the seventies, that people can be really shocked to find once concealed his abandoned dream home haunted by history. Today, however, buyers should really do a little research before hiring moving vans.

Again, you are certainly not opposed to a certain suspension of disbelief, if you want to see "Do not be afraid of the dark," Troy Nixey is pleasantly scary remake of a 1973 film of television.

Although nobody in their right mind would give the minutes Blackwood Manor, the gardener turns up dead, Alex (Guy Pearce) and Kim (Katie Holmes) has too much invested to walk away. He is an architect, is an interior designer, and created this crumbling mansion in Rhode Island in hopes of getting the cover of "Architectural Digest".

Unfortunately, the goblins in the basement has other ambitions - first and foremost Alex consume nine year old daughter, Sally (Bailee Madison). When Sally starts to cry in the night, Kim suggests that they wisely decamp to a hotel. But it would not be fun for us, Alex insists they will be added until it is too late to leave.

If you start the "Boo", you can find a lot of jumping here. Just do not expect originality striking, memorable or even scary. Yet every time the "Dark" starts to feel like a thriller generic, is saved by the distinctive stamp co-screenwriter/producer Guillermo del Toro ("Hellboy," "Pan's Labyrinth").

Del Toro has seen the effect size, the spectacle of a little disturbing, stirring psychological web that traps all the creatures living in the house. (Kim role of stepmother to inspire school grad thesis itself.)

Holmes is more difficult to deal with Pearce, it seems that this movie is not worth your best efforts. But the real highlight is Madison, which reverses the terror of Sally with a heartbreaking not to be afraid of monsters, but the cruelty of the parents. Nobody understands better than del Toro as the worst horrors are not designed for children, but created by adults.
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